EVENT | WCT Presents: Lessons in Leadership: Leveraging Your WorthCategory

On Tuesday, May 26 at WCT's Lessons in Leadership event, Canadian PR Firm owner and financial strategist Katie Dunsworth-Reiach will share how she successfully climbed out of debt to become one of the first self-taught personal finance authorities to prove you can build wealth without compromising what you want in life.

On Tuesday, May 26 at WCT’s Lessons in Leadership event, Canadian PR Firm owner and financial strategist Katie Dunsworth-Reiach will share how she successfully climbed out of debt to become one of the first self-taught personal finance authorities to prove you can build wealth without compromising what you want in life. Katie’s no-nonsense approach to money and career advancement will be the inspiration you need to start taking a proactive approach to your financial future!

Hosted by WCT: Women in Communications and Technology, women wondering what their financial future could look like and if they are on the right track to reaching financial and professional goals are invited to learn the importance of understanding your own finances (and easy ways to learn), to how much you need to save before retirement (and how much it’s costing you every day you don’t invest your money), to successfully negotiating a raise or promotion.

Key takeaways will include: steps you can take today to assess whether you’re on the right track financially, practical ways to make your money work for you (while you’re working), top financial questions to consider before accepting a new role, and many more. The evening will also include inspirational personal stories from financial thought leaders, networking with like-minded professionals, and connecting with fellow WCT members.

Event Agenda:

Registration & Networking: 5:30pm – 6:00pm
Two Speakers including Q&A: 6:00pm – 6:30pm
Networking Break with Discussion Topics: 6:30pm – 7:00pm
Keynote Speaker including Q&A: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Networking: 8:00pm – 8:15pm

Cost: $35 for WCT members, $40 for non-members

For more information on event please click here.