In the last few weeks, business has not been as usual. Brands are working furiously to adapt to sudden changes, coping with new rules, regulations and setbacks. As a business owner, pivoting your social media strategy might be the last thing on your mind, but our advice is to focus on social now more than ever.
Social media platforms are seeing increased usage with a large amount of people either laid off or now working from home. LinkedIn specifically saw a [bump of 55% more conversational activity](http://Social media platforms are seeing increased usage with a large amount of people either laid off or now working from home. LinkedIn specifically saw a bump of 55% more conversational activity between existing connections in recent weeks.) between existing connections in recent weeks.
If you’re looking for strategic advice on how you should present your business on LinkedIn during these unprecedented times, then read on.
Maintain Positive Morale
Physical distance shouldn’t be able to stop you from connecting with your team. As many struggle with adapting to new work environments (most likely their homes, most likely with kids) it’s important to still take the time to connect with them in engaging ways. Showcasing your company culture on LinkedIn is a great way to show others that you still care about employee engagement, even when times are tough.
Lead with Trust
Now is a great time to be transparent. It humanizes your business, as we’re all in this together. Consider writing a longform post that details what your company has gone through and the changes that you have made to adjust to new social distancing measures. Writing and posting new content shows your followers you’re still in business, instilling trust. But be sure to reflect on your post before you publish. Don’t write a post just to exploit the Covid-19 hashtag. Make sure your content serves a purpose or provides value to your audience.
Share your Expertise
Does your business have any expertise in the recent trending hashtags that have popped up since the start of social distancing? Some examples include mental health, home fitness, parenting, and most notably, working from home.
In the last four weeks, there have been more than 20,000 hashtags of #WFH and #RemoteWork shared on LinkedIn, signifying an 18% jump since the previous month. Getting involved in the conversation is a great opportunity to share your expertise to your customers at a time like this, providing valuable resources when they’re needed most.
There Is Hope
LinkedIn just announced that they will be providing free job listings for companies in certain essential services and healthcare industries, in addition to non-profits that are helping on Coronavirus disaster relief. To learn more, please visit: https://business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/urgent-hiring